Could use variables more and hardcode less. See DiagrammeRdocs for more details.
trial_n <- c(s1 = 10,
s2 = 10,
s3 = 10,
s4 = 10,
s5 = 10)
tot <- sum(trial_n)
ex_ac <- sum(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
init_val <- tot - ex_ac
ex_cleaning <- 4
miss_out <- 1
miss_cov <- 1
grViz('digraph flowchart {
# node definitions with substituted label text
node [fontname = Helvetica, shape = rectangle]
s1 [label = "Study 1\\n(N = xxx)"]
s2 [label = "Study 2\\n(N = xxx)"]
s3 [label = "Study 3\\n(N = xxx)"]
s4 [label = "Study 4\\n(N = xxx)"]
s5 [label = "Study 5\\n(N = xxx)"]
act [label = "@@2"]
init [label = "@@1"]
init_mod[ label = "@@3"]
ex [label = "@@4"]
mod [label = "@@5"]
# Central arrows
{s1, s2, s3, s4, s5} -> init -> init_mod -> mod
edge[constraint = false]
init -> act
init_mod -> ex
#Column 2 arrows
edge[arrowhead = none, color = "#00000000", constraint = true]
act -> ex
rank = same; init;act
[1]: glue("Initial Dataset\\n(N = {tot})")
[2]: glue("Remove patients on active treatment\\n(N = {ex_ac})")
[3]: glue("Initial validation set\\n(N = {init_val})")
[4]: glue("Excluded during data cleaning (n = {ex_cleaning})\\nMissing baseline (n = {miss_out})\\nMissing covariate data (n = {miss_cov})")
[5]: glue("Model Building\\n(N = xxx)")